Product Description
Plate Press Punch Registration Pins
Quality precision registration pins by Burgess and FLS. Tab mounted printers and PCB supplies pins come in a variety of sizes. Standard registration pins come one dozen to the package. For industrial hole punch systems. Printmaker pins, are utilized in printing, graphics, name plate imaging, college art departments, electronics, silk screening, and PCB design and PCB imaging and manufacturing.
Registration pins are a fast and simple process of registering artwork in circular tooling holes. They are mounted on durable stainless steel, and treated to allow for easy insertion into punched materials.
Pin dimension is controlled to .0005" tolerance.
Pin Shape Choices: Rectangular base (tab) with round pin or Round base with round pin .
Diameter choices:
.125” (1/8” or 3.175mm)
.160” (4.064mm)
.1875” (3/16” or 4.7625mm)
.250” (1/4” or 6.35mm)
.281” (9/32” or 7.1374mm)
.312” (5/16” or 7.9248mm)
.375” (3/8” or 9.525mm)
.500” (1/2” or 12.7mm)
Height choices:
.030” (.762mm)
.040” (1.016mm)
.060” (1.524mm)
.070” (1.778mm)
.085” (2.159mm)
.110” (2.794mm)
.120” (3.048mm)
.145” (3.683mm)
.155” (3.937mm)
.160” (4.064mm)
.250” (6.35mm)
For special size pins not sold here please call Fred LeVine Services Inc. at 847-297-4555
Picture shown on Left is Rectangular Base Pin on Right is Round